Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 28, 2005

New Family Member

We just recieved and addition to our family. Her name is Star! Star is our family dog. She was given to us by Aaron Tybo (Bethel's dad). She is a full blood australian shepherd with black, red and white markings. Emily has made a special bond with her and loves to cuddle with her, while Rebecca loves to dress her up in a flowered hat and wrap blanket's around her. I love her because she helps clean up the girl's messes after a meal. She also does a great job watching out for everyone at night as she checks each room through out the night.

Birthday Girls

Here at the Wilson's home we have our two girls Rebecca and Emily growing quickly!!!
Rebecca just turned 2 years old (June 12th) and Emily just turned 1(July 16th)! What an exciting time! Here is what the looked like just 1 year ago!

Rebecca 1st Birthday

Emily, Everett, and Rebecca
when Emily was first born

Emily and her daddy