Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, August 19, 2005

A Funny Little Story

Yesterday I was trying to get Rebecca to take her dirty diaper to the garbage as I always do to demonstrate how much better it would be if she used the toilet. And as always she makes a big fuss over how yucky the diaper is and grudgingly after much motivation takes the diaper to the garbage. But this time I had an idea to make the process a little less painful, instead I told Rebecca to show Emily how to throw away her diaper, and to my surprise Emily actually picked up her own dirty diaper and they both threw their own diapers in the garbage. Well Emily loved the praise that she got from her obedience and continued to do very well in disposing her diaper, while Rebecca still needed encouragement to get past the yucky idea of holding her own waste. So today I once again faced the challenge only this time Rebecca had a better idea and picked up the diaper and gave it to Emily and pointed to the garbage in the kinchen and said "tash Enly". So Rebecca is doing quite will with the idea of having a younger sibling to do her dirty work for her. So sadly my little plan in potty training Rebecca backfired. :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Rebecca & Emily: Full Speed Ahead!!!

Can you believe it? Emily is up and walking!!! She is almost as tall as Rebecca now and is walking with her little head held high. She also has four teeth now, which you will see in pictures soon. Her favorite words are, "Oh, boy!" and "mamma", "dadda" & "goggy" (doggy). She still loves a good laugh, sometimes even when there is nothing to laugh at. She is starting to feed herself with a spoon and is doing well without her bottle. Her favorite songs are "Elmo's Song" and "Jesus Loves Me." Her favorite foods are peaches, bananas, potatos, and dirt.

Rebecca is 2 going on 10, she is a little helper who will even help clean Emily's dirty bottom. Her favorite thing to do is play outside making mud pies and feeding them to Emily. Her favorite words are, "I want" "cookie" and "oohhh nice!". Her favorite Sesame Street charactors are Elmo and the Cookie Monster, which she does a great impresson of while tackling mommy and daddy. She can now open and close doors, and thinks it is funny when she closes Emily in the bathroom. She also is a big help when putting dishes away, and stirring the cake batter.